Carnelian Druzy Freeform Point B

Carnelian Druzy Freeform Point B

Regular price $18.00 $12.60 Sale

Carnelian Agate Druzy Point

Crystal🔮: Carnelian
Chakra🌈: Root & Sacral 

Healing Properties🧚🏽‍♀️: Carnelian aids in understanding the inner self and strengthens concentration. It helps one to overcome the fear of public speaking, increases self-worth, and is a fast-acting stone to succeed in one’s career. Carnelian is said to assist in stimulating creativity. It seems to have a clearing effect, dispelling negative energies as it replaces them with positive ones.

Due to natural formations in the stones, each tool will be unique and vary in size and color from the picture that is listed unless otherwise stated. Minimal surface cracks are to be expected on some of our stone varieties.